<aside> 💡 To duplicate this entire page, go to the top right corner and click on the "Duplicate" button! Make sure not to duplicate individual templates as it will not work properly. Please refrain from deleting pages from this pack as it may break the templates. Many of these databases are interconnected.

Once you have duplicated your notion pack, it will be saved in your own workspace. From there, you can easily drag, drop, and rearrange the content to suit your needs!

Make sure to watch each of the video walkthroughs before getting started! We have kept them concise yet informative, as they contain important information to help you make the most of your templates!


New to Notion?

Notion can feel a bit intimidating at first, so check out This Playlist by Notion to learn the basics.

  1. Can you Look for patterns, trends, and insights in the collected data?
  2. What conclusions can you draw based on these findings?
  3. Can you Identify any gaps or limitations in my research?
  4. Can you find patterns in my audiences demographics, preferences, behaviors, and pain points?
  5. What kind of content does my audience prefer to learn from? What are there preferred content formats and channels?
  6. What does my audience struggle with the most and how can I help them solve it?
  7. What is (your brand names) personality?
  8. What hesitations, and misconceptions does my audience have about what I do?
  9. What key audience segments emerge from my notes and research?
  10. What are my audiences top goals and priorities?
  11. Based on my research & notes - what can you tell me about my audiences buying process and decision making factors?

Template Created By Cedar June Studio

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